


•Participation in the preparation of national or local legislation relevant to the collection, handling,

transport, and treatment of hazardous waste.

•Preparation of national plans for management of hazardous substances and industrial waste.

•Capacity building of ministries and private enterprises within the area of industrial and hazardous waste.

•Technical and financial feasibility studies for chemical waste management systems, including assessment of

chemical wastes and survey of waste sources/quantities.

•Conceptual, basic and detailed design, tender documentation for treatment plants.

•Construction supervision, and commissioning of treatment plants.

•Technical support to operation of hazardous waste treatment plants, or total operation and maintenance

contracting utilising Kommunekemi personnel including development of operator manuals and set-up of

emergency response plans and safety guidelines.

•Training and education of staff employed at all levels in the hazardous waste sector (from unskilled workers

to managers) covering topics from practical packing, sorting, labelling, transport and handling of

hazardous waste to analysis, administration and various management topics.

•Environmental impact assessments (EIA's) of both planned and existing facilities.

•Risk analyses primarily using the methods of the HAZOP-analysis (Hazards and Operability Study) and the

AEA (Action Error Analysis) and including the EDP programme PHAST Micro developed by DNV (Det Norske


•Cleaner technology projects in private or publicly owned industrial companies with special emphasis on

reduction and/or recycling of chemical waste.

•Programming of computer applications assisting governmental institutions in controlling and monitoring the

waste development.

•Research and development within specific sectors of hazardous waste treatment.


Whenever Hansen Environmental Solutins is involved in a project, the keywords for success will always be quality, customer satisfaction as well as reliable and appropriate solutions to toxic and hazardous waste problems.



National Center For Hazardous Waste Bulgaria


Hansen Environmental Solutions offer, among others, the following services


Establishment of National Hazardous waste facility Kualiti Alam in Malaysia

(stationed 3 years in Malaysia)






Clean-up of PCB contaminated site in Zambia

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